Coyotes NOT Moving, What a Disappointment.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It seems for now, at least according to the NHL and TSN, that the Arizona-based team isn't going anywhere. Seems that Jim isn't getting what he wants after all. Today, after a court hearing, it was decided by Judge Redfield T. Baum that the deadline requested by Balsillie was simply not enough time for the courts to settle the issue, thus denying CEO of Blackberry his dream of "making it seven."

So, why is this disappointment you ask? Well there are a few reasons that I wanted to point out, but this is simply my opinion:

  • No Market

  • Minimal Fans

  • I Love New Teams

No Market

It's in Arizona. Let me say that again just so we all are on the same page: IT IS IN ARIZONA. Though I can understand Commissioner Bettman's attempt to expand interest in hockey, I don't understand WHY IN THE WORLD they would move the beloved Winnipeg Jets to a place where hockey is as foreign as polar bears.

I do not belong in PHX and neither does hockey!

Minimal Fans

Now, I'm not very knowledgable about the fanbase in Phoenix, I do know that due to lack of revenue, the Coyotes' owner Moyes borrowed more and more money from other teams as well as the NHL itself, eventually borrowing right into bankruptcy (much like the US economy, interesting). So, the question is asked; where does revenue, aka CASH come from? THE FANS. Ticket sales, jersey sales, concessions, and anything else you can think of comes from the fans. Sure, sure advertising is big, but who are they going after? FANS. It all comes down to the fanbase, and without one, a team doesn't exist. If the 'Yotes had a bigger fanbase, maybe they wouldn't be such an awful team.... just sayin'.

I Love New Teams

I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE new teams. The new design, fans, atmosphere, jersey, logos, breath of fresh air, you name it! It is pretty exciting to see, and a new team would stir up a newer fanbase, especially in Canada. Disappointing to see this will not happen. Oh well, one can dream, right?

Bring em back!

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